My house in Qax!

>> Monday, February 15, 2010

So just in case there was any confusion.... Qax is how you spell my region in Azerbaijani, Gakh is the English spelling.

Also, talking to family and friends has shown me that I must clarify pronunciation (not judging honest, but it was hilarious...Kit and Elaine)

It has nothing to do with the sound Quack. Say God, memorize that sound. Now say it again but right before you hit the "d" sound make a faint gurgling noise. If that doesn't quite pan out for you just say "gawk," it's close enough.

That being said lets show you my cool house!

Picture #1: This is my kitchen, rarely used as this room is not heated during the winter, but it's where we store things. Also there's a refrigerator to the right of this photo, it's just an average fridge, no need for a picture.

Picture #2: I don't know what to call this room but it's connected to the kitchen and there's a couch in it, also not heated so it goes unused for now.

Picture #3: This is the happening place! Guests come here, we come here. I read and type and watch awesome TV shows with the family here. There is no other hang out place so if you're not sleeping, you're here. Note the teddy bears above the cabinets, I love them.

Picture #4: This is the same room but now you can see the TV and heater where a tea pot is kept constantly warm...Awesome. Also through the hallway to the right is my hRents room and straight ahead is mine.

Picture #5: This is my room from the door. I hung up a few posters of my Azeri language stuff to hopefully keep me learning. I cannot tape things on the wall so I am waiting until I move out to plaster the walls.

Picture #6: This is the other side of my room. My heater, which I now light myself (hold your applause, I know I'm cool). Also I put me in the mirror, HI!

Picture #7: This is the backyard view from the toilet door. That's my towel and some clothes hanging to dry. Two satellites, one for Turkish channel one for Russian. However when Jason and I asked the hDad about English channels he found a horrible childrens' show and about 5 evangelist channels. One was even called, The Church Channel. Ridiculous. The actual house is to the left but the house you can see is the summer house and bathroom (for showering and laundry).

Picture #8: Now with my back to the summer house you can see the back of my house. For all intensive purposes it's the front of the house, but it's facing the opposite direction. When you come in the gate you have to walk around the house because there are no doors on the other side. Sorry if that's confusing. But I like it.

Picture #9: This is my one chicken. I have a fun time bugging my hDad about it. My hMom talks about how beautiful and great our house is and I always look over to my dad and say, "Yeah, but we only have one chicken." He loves it. When he brings in one egg from said chicken he always says, "ONne chicken, one egg." One day there was a different chicken, then it came back alone, and then both were in the coop. That was a great few days of mass confusion in which I think my hDad was trying to see if I'd go crazy. I got very excited to exclaim that I recognized the change if nothing else. But then we had a week of chicken chicken.


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