It's snowing and I sparkle

>> Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's snowing again! Last time it snowed for about 2 days and stopped. I was informed that that would be the last snowfall and I was sooooo sad. Then here I am, walking home from my counterparts at 12:30a (gasp, bad bad Azeri girl) and it's snowing! So much happy fun time in Qax.

Also I sparkle. You probably know this already but I thought I'd tell you this little story just to drill it in. At aforementioned counterparts (Metanet) house I was coloring with her daughter (İlahə), as I am want to, and my counterpart began questioning İlahə:

Metanet: What do you think about Lori?
İlahə: I like her.
Metanet: What else?
İlahə: She's pretty.
Metanet:  Do you want to meet her parents?
İlahə: Yes
Metanet: They are coming soon, what will you tell your mother about her?
İlahə: She's nice and pretty and she always comes to our house and she sparkles.
Metanet: What?
İlahə: Look at her, she sparkles, she is always sparkling. Look right now.
Metanet: Well her mom is coming to take her home, is that okay?
İlahə: No, I don't give permission. I like her I want her sparkles.

There you have it. I sparkle and a 4 year-old will fight my mother for the right to have sparkles in her life. She probably only said that because I gave her a stuffed animal. She named this stuffed black dog, Cyclops. I have no clue why.


Check out Qax!

>> Tuesday, February 8, 2011

This tourism website showcases many of the different regions in Azerbaijan but the beautiful region of Qax is obviously numero uno so please take a look. The two main pictures showcasing a city street are both from the street that my school is on. The white building with the silver statue are actually directly in front of my school. My kids go to that shop on the breaks to buy food and toys and bring it back to the corridors and cause mayhem and commotion. The other photo is just the opposite side of the same street, you can see the bread shop (çörək sexi) and the cool little shop that sells me my fake cereal! Yeah I'm that hard core.

Check it out, tell me how much you want to visit...then VISIT ME!

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