Mailing Instructions

A few people have expressed interest in sending me a care package but didn't know what to send or where to send it. If you happen to be one of those interested people, please read the following:

1. Please do not send expensive stuff. I haven't personally had anything stolen (or for that matter opened) but other PCV's have

2. It takes roughly 1 month for anything to get to me so keep in mind that anything you send will not only be dealing with altitude but it will have to sustain many days sitting in a post office.

3. Get insurance. It won't get the items back to you or to me any quicker but if it goes awry you at least have it covered.

Check out USPS Azerbaijan Shipping Rates.

  • Postcard $0.94
  • Priority Mail International Flat-Rate Envelope is $11.96 (Express is $25.95)
  • Priority Mail International Flat-Rate Box $38.95
  • Priority Mail International Large Flat-Rate Box is $49.95

My mailing address is:

Lori Dunn, PCV
Qax Mǝrkǝzi Poçt
Qax Şəhər
AZ 3400

Sending love and support is plenty enough but if you're an over achiever here's a list of things I always want:
  • Tea (normal and caffeine free)
  • Hot Chocolate
  • Vacuum sealed bacon
  • Any type of holiday candy
  • Chocolate chips
  • Brown sugar
  • Magazines (anything and everything)
  • Milk Chocolate Bars & Reese's
  • Dried fruit (cranberries, raisins, apples, mango)
  • Peanut Butter
  • Parmesean Cheese
  • Snack foods: Goldfish, Cheese Its, Cheetos

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