Scary Movies

>> Monday, November 2, 2009

My hSis asked me if I'd like to see a scary movie with them. I said no because frankly I don't like them. Well I was studying like I had planned on and about a half an hour later I heard a familiar song. I walked into the living room to see what it was and sure enough, the super scary movie was none other than Twilight.
I watched it with them because it was in Azerbaijani and why not get my learn on! I noticed that throughout this entire movie my hFam was actually scared. Terrified all the way through the end. I personally was laughing my butt off because little Mr. Edward Cullen is instilling so much fear in their lives. When actually Caitlin knows that his 25 chromosomes are covered with butterflies and roses. Well my hFam was still mortified and aftre the film they asked me if Americans have vampires. I told them yes and explained that this movie was made in America and we have books and TV shows all about it. Well that was not the right thing to say. They all stared at me with the most terrified expressions and asked if I'd ever been bit. They think that vampires are fully real and that in America they're everywhere. After a bit more persuasion I explained that I've never been bit and the books and films I spoke about were fiction. Who knew?


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