Walking around and a Concert!

>> Friday, January 8, 2010

When I leave my house every morning the first thing I see is the first picture. Typically not so many cars but this was around the concert time so the joint was hoppin'! I walk uphill one house and turn to get headed back downhill to school or the town center. Then I see the second picture. I'm going to remember my camera all of the time and hopefully you'll be able to see a picture of the ridiculous amounts of animals wandering or grazing down that street. Today there were cows, sheep, turkey's and of course a few dogs. there's a cute little puppy that I'm watching grow up in this pile of leaves. It makes me really sad. However it's super cute because he's all white and fluffy and disappears under the leaves and reappears when he thinks he's on a pogo stick and hops about like a bunny. At the very very bottom, of said street is the beginning of what is for the most part, the town center. There's an office of tourism, post office, safety and security office and all sorts of other Qax city official buildings. Of course what would the capital of the region be without its Heydar Aliyev statue, park, and museum. All of these are surrounding the enormous Christmas tree. Since most of Azerbaijani are Muslims, Christmas does not exist. However don't you neglect them of their Santa and Christmas tree! So there's a huge tree in the square-ish area of town and Santa Clause, or as they say, Şaxta Baba (Frozen Grandpa, literally). This is where the concert was. Children sang, traditional Azeri dancers danced, and small children popped mini fireworks. They wouldn't stop popping them actually and they'd throw them right under you so you jumped, and of course I gave out a little yelp. But the concert was just fine, like a little town gathering for about 4 hours of random New Years anticipation through song. The last two photos are of my final walk home from about 5-5:30. It's pretty dark but I love how the mountains glow. Hope you like it! 


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